South Florida
Grand Projects are Not Necessarily Contributors to Quality of Life.
Fort Lauderdale and other cities in South Florida are experiencing a boom in developmentthat is unprecedented. Whether Delray Beach, Plantation, Boca Raton or Fort Lauderdaleresidents are seeing more and more construction. What is concerning is that one of two things...
Once Upon a Time, A Covid Story
“What does Covid mean daddy? I was used to my five year old daughter asking questions, like “why is the sky blue?”, but this took me by surprise. It turns out she heard the word on television. It was the 15th anniversary of the pandemic. “Well, it was the start of the...
Blog On with Ray Brasted
Welcome to Promenade Magazine An Independent Community PublicationFall/2020 Click to Read Our Current EditionRemembering the Good Old Days of the Media Forget sleeping pills. I can put someone into dreamland just by talking about the good old days in the newsroom....